Servus! Hi!

Photo by Ines Tausch

Jule is a German-English storyteller, filmmaker, creator, and nerd who is obsessed with fairytales, mythology, monsters, and witches. So, her stories always have that weird, cursed, and fantastical twist combined with her dark, sarcastic sense of humour.

She loves to create and therefore, she aspires a soulful, creative nerdlife.

When she doesn’t write stories or produces her shortfilms, she pours her soul into letters to share her own healing journey.

Find out more about her projects and her coffee addiction here:

Soul letters

That’s what I am pondering on:

Walpurgisnacht: A Night full of Witches & Shenanigans

Walpurgisnacht is not only wicked German custom but also a night full of witches and michief.

Unveiling Lilith: From Biblical Bad Girl to Feminist Icon

Hi and Servus, fellow myth enthusiasts and feminists! Today, we’re delving into the oh-so-controversial figure of Lilith because I’ve been a bit too obsessed with her lately. If you’re one of my German followers, you can listen to my podcast about her here. Now, buckle up for a wild ride through the twists and turns…

If you get bored with nothing to do, you are not a writer.

Guillermo del Toro

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